Life Path Forecast 2023
We each come into our life with a certain archetype, astrological sign and a numerical system to help those are ready to understand themselves more soulfully grow and evolve more efficiently (and with less of a chance of suffering) and more room to shine and brightly help the collective.
Your life path number is a clue to what you have come to experience in this particular incarnation of self.
To find your life path simply add up all the numbers in your birthday until you get a single digit. So 1/21/1972 becomes
1+2+1+1+9+7+2 = 23
2 + 3 = 5
So your life path number is 5.
We all have certain elements of our life path that will show up throughout our experience on earth (ie. living situations, workplaces and vacation centers). You will see them in license plates, your home address, the building you work in, the bar you bought, the bakery you own, the place you vacation in and even the room number. There is also an annual set of numbers which we can name a Life Revolution. Every year it will switch both individually and collectively and impact both. To get the collective’s revolution number you simply add the year together until you get to a single digit.
2+0+2+2 = 6
Then to get your individualized revolution number you add that years’s number to your life path number.
So in the example above (life path 5) it would be
6+5= 11
1+1 = 2
So your life revolution is a 2.
To simplify for 2023 below are the life path numbers and what revolution year they will be in during 2023.
Life path 1 – Revolution 8
Life path 2 – Revolution 9
Life path 3 – Revolution 1
Life Path 4 – Revolution 2
Life Path 5 – Revolution 3
Life Path 6 – Revolution 4
Life Path 7 – Revolution 5
Life Path 8 – Revolution6
Life Path 9 – Revolution7
2023 is a year 7 and 2022 was a 6 year. In numerological philosophy it is said that 6 is for karmic rebalancing and that certainly was true these last 12 months. If six was about rebalancing of old beliefs and systems that are not sustainable then a 7 year will be for overcoming and recreating. It’s a year of bringing forth old, untrue and challenging emotions and finding new ways to engage in the world. Those who are awakening will see opportunity in the challenges and will be fighting for the new awakening and those who are sleeping are dealing in old, reductive behaviors and will choose to be at war with themselves and others.
In 2023, you will see a whole lot of unhappy people who are unaware they have the power to transform themselves anew. You will be responsible to sit in silence and work with the eyes of soul to see a new future for yourself and the entire earthly world. It will be overcome if the tides shift towards love with the awakening. Expect outer experiences to happen including war continuing, reversing markets and more anomalies of weather in every country.
If you are shrinking to fit the model of humanity it will be most likely a hard energy year. However, if you choose to know you are connected to All/Source/Universe you will see, hear and know the paths and understand what is happening is to grow a collective beyond its old beliefs. Look back 100 years to 1924 and you’ll find it was a recovery year from the events of the war and you are in a similar place recovering from the Covid era war. It’s time for a recovery and rebalancing.
Below are a list of themes for the energetics seasons we are entering.
Revolution Year 1’s:
You are becoming anew. If this is a 1 year it will bring a new beginning and a challenging one for change. Lots of upheaval in moving, career changes and relationships beginning or ending. Time changes everything so know that if you move with reverence for the upcoming changes and shift eventually you will feel solidly focused as spring arrives.
Revolution Year 2’s:
Character assassinations are possible as you engage with friends, enemies or lovers. It will do you well to do selfcare and work on selflove so those words do not offend but rather send you into a deep knowing of enoughness. It will also be a year of partnership and beginning relationships of work, play or both. Keep in mind if you want to thrive in a hive you are going to have to be part of the team. So be mindful of how you treat others and perhaps of how they treat themselves as an indicator for their behaviors towards you and their network.
Revolution Year 3’s:
Deep and powerful year of transformation and inward growth. A year to celebrate you and your accomplishments. Focus on the work of your self and inner soul and it is sure to bring results you are seeking from long planted and lingering seeds. Seeds of doubt are able to be tilled and grown if you stay in a place of mindfulness always.
Revolution Year 4’s:
Four represents all sides of the spectrum. You are meant to experience joy, pain, love and fear. In order to evolve as human beings (as soul) the entire experience is to be had. Yes there are some who experience more highs than lows- but 4’s are prone to experiences of polarities. If you are in the 4 season you should expect days of great triumph, moments of frustration, laughter and pain. The key to a four year going “well” is always being in a co-creative frame of mind with All. Wrap the portrait in cellophane and know its purpose is to grow your soul.
Revolution Year 5’s:
There is a reason children begin kindergarten during their 5th year of life and this is because a 5 year is an informative year. It is for growing beyond who you were prior. Most who are in the 5 year are overcoming a self they are ready to shed. What happens is meant to evolve and educate the self to be better, stronger, faster. Knowledge is power and if you are in a 5 year the power you seek is in the asking. “Help me discover new ways of being, opportunities and ideas of life.” This might be a time when you learn a new language, discover other cultures or grow a business. Whatever you go through is for growth.
Revolution Year 6’s:
Shifting into a year for balance which means leaving behind situations not serving you. This could be time you are called to reciprocate a loan, pay off debt of be gifted with sums of money needed to be okay financially. If you have been poor, it’s time to have abundance. If love has alluded you most of the time, this is the time to find a partner. Your greatest asset will be knowing the restructuring is for good and not fear what is coming. Just allow the balance to be achieved and ride its wave confident it is happening to keep you in check.
Revolution Year 7’s:
This is a year of great intentions manifesting. While collectively a 7 year has significant upheaval, individually a year of 7 is to bring forth new ideas, fresh perspectives and change. It might be time to start a business, write and publish a novel, open a nursery or go on a yearlong vacation. Adventure is waiting and 7’s should jump in and experience it. Inherent challenges occur when you are sleeping and when you awaken 7’s bring a great growth through adventure. Depending on how you look at things is how you move through them and attract them through.
Revolution Year 8’s:
Never underestimate the power of the 8. 8 years are quite expansive and lean more happy than sad. Not to say bad things won’t happen in an 8 year but expansion has it foot in both doors, love and fear, good and bad. So know that if an unfortunate occurrence happens on a day of 8 or year its roots are in growth and those who are aware can make magic from mayhem. If you are in a 8 year individually expect a deeper understanding of self to come through. You may find a relationship breaks up and shortly thereafter a new one begins, more aligned to who you are now. A job is opening and you don’t get it because a better one is around the bend. When you stay in connection to All you are easily navigated to the best options. For 8’s who are unaware and unawakened it could be that you discover a piece of soulful information that resonates and makes you take a step towards understanding. However, it could also send you back to sleep. Either way everything is always perfectly aligned.
Revolution Year 9’s:
Wrapping up a situation is what 9 years are for both collectively and individually. Most wars wind down in a 9 year and end in a 1 year. Internal wars are similar if you stay aligned to a healing journey (battling a belief) is similar to battling a greed or power hungry leader (follower of ego). Let yourself reset by being in nature, taking time to be with journals and meditation. Escape the ego and let your soul fly.
Want to know more about the coming year? Book a 1:1 session and let’s dive in!